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F1 – Purification: Types of pure water sources

Ordinary water is tahur, that is, it is pure in itself and purifies other things. The sources of pure (tahur) water are:

  1. Rainfall, Snow and Hail – Allah said 

“…And We send down pure water from the sky,” (Al-Furqan : 48)

  1. Water of Springs and Rivers
  2. Sea water as the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said

“Its water is purifying and its creatures are Halal (without the need to slaughter).”

Things to remember about water used for purification:

  1. Used water, that is water which flows off the limbs when performing Wudhu or Ghusl retains its purifying quality
  2. Water mixed with any clean substance like soap, saffron, chlorine etc. remains purifying tahur as long as the quantity of the mixed substance is not enough to cause us to stop calling the mixture “Water”. If it exeeds that limit when we can no longer call it simply water, then it is taahir: pure in itself but incapable of purifying anything else.
  3. If the taste or color or smell of the water does not change due to mixing with najsah, it remains purifying even if the najsah mixed is a little or lot. If the above mentioned three qualities of water changes due to mixing with najsah, the water is not permissible to be used for purification.

“Water is purifying, nothing makes it impure.”

If you cannot find water, perform Tayammum (dry ablution):

“And if you find no water, perform Tayammum” (Al-Ma’idah : 6)

Answer the following:

  1. What is tahur water?
  2. What are the sources of Pure tahur water?
  3. Can we use used water which flows off the limbs when performing Wudhu or Ghusl for purification?
  4. Is Water mixed with clean substance like soap, saffron, chlorine etc. tahur?
  5. Can water mixed with najsah be used for purification? if yes, what should be the characteristics of the water that is mixed with najsah?
  6. What should we do if we cannot find water for purification?